We just launched a new program ā€” FastTrack Notion. Learn more ā†’

 August Bradley's


Masterclass & Membership

with Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults (PPV)

The NewĀ Version of

NLD LaunchesĀ Soon


Until then, the program is closed to new purchases while we finishĀ building the new enhanced version, taking this leading Notion & Life Training to the next level.

Are you where you want to be in life...

  • With work?
  • Health? Family?
  • Mental Clarity?

Has nothing worked after...

  • Reading everything?
  • Watching everything?
  • Trying everything?

Are you ready to...

  • Get serious?
  • Implement?
  • Make things happen?

I help people who feel they’re not progressing in life achieve what matters most to them.

We do this by implementing a Life Optimization System called the Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults Life OS that identifies your true priorities, aligns your life aspirations with daily actions, activates massive focus, breaks old habits, and builds growth feedback loops.

The Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults Life OS is built in Notion, a platform ideal for this purpose because of its power and flexibility.

The PPV system is a software layer on top of the Notion platform that massively leverages Notion’s capabilities — together PPV & Notion create an unparalleled growth and performance system.

Design An Optimal Life For Yourself

Stop reacting to the world around you, perpetually bouncing all over.
Shape your own path and direct your actions toward it.

What Matters Most

  • Identify Purpose
  • Set Your Compass
  • Define Meaning & Value

Reaching Milestones

  • How to Focus
  • How to Prioritize
  • How to Align Your life

Growth That Lasts

  • Consistency Achieved
  • Routines Implemented
  • Knowledge Organized

An erratic, spontaneous approach leads nowhere.


You know what to do, but don't do it.


You need a structured system to guide you and hold you accountable.

PPV Life Optimization System

A proven system to guide you and hold you accountable.

  • Define your desired destination in life.
  • Set clear markers step-by-step along the way.
  • Line up what you need to achieve each day and each week.
  • Organize all your essential information & resources.
  • Have the info & resources resurface when and where you need them. Never forget or lose track again.
  • Build the psychology and habits required to shape yourself and your life.


  • The system that started the Notion Life OS movement
  • Best Practices to enhance personal & professional life
  • Comprehensive & holistic implementation of Systems Thinking
  • Multipurpose with versatile application
  • Highly adaptable and customizable to your life and circumstances
  • Consolidate into Notion — the top all-in-one productivity software

I remember when I first saw August’s videos about Notion – they were not just smart – they had the potential to really change people’s lives. He builds to help people do what they want to do in life, and that’s one of the things I always hoped for Notion to do.

Ivan Zhao / CEO & Co-founder of Notion

12-Month Masterclass + Membership

Experience a transformation that lasts — with the system for Life Optimization.


Exceptionally effective at steering a better life, proven through through thousands of use cases.

4th Generation

Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults Notion System (PPV)

Generation 1 was introduced on the YouTube channel several years ago — it influenced the way Notion is used today and showed how effective life planning could be. Tens of thousands followed that method.  

Since then we have had multiple versions in the previous Notion Life Design deep implementation courses with well over a thousand people, and it gets better with each generation.

The Next Level

PPV is not merely an operating system for the mechanics of your life, this is the Life Optimization System to become your ideal self and achieve your full potential.

The system now has:

  • Powerful CRM Integration
  • Critical Document Resurfacing
  • Enhanced Database Templates Throughout
  • More complete Pillar Dashboards
  • Deeper integrated Habits & Routines
  • Streamlined Action Zone

...and much more.

Now, after years of focusing, aligning & empowering people's lives, PPV has been refined and enhanced to be more effective than ever.


These elements are more powerful when learned & brought together in a cohesive system, rather than as isolated silos. Holistic integration is at the core of what we do.

Systems Thinking
Goal Setting & Alignment
Task/Project Management
Knowledge Management
Performance Enhancement
Mindset & Identity Sculpting
Focus & Mental Clarity
Work & Business Enhancement
Health & Wellness
Home Life Management
System Customization
Tools & Resources Deep-Dive


The most powerful aspect of the growth journey.

Many of our members have expressed that nowhere else in their lives do they have support to explore and share their excitement for personal growth and designing optimal lives for themselves. Most people don't get it, this is an uncommon and exceptional thing to pursue.

It can be lonely without a tribe, and nothing drives consistency and success more than being surrounded by others with similar mindsets.

The peer-to-peer support and engagement have always been at the core of NLD, and for many the most powerful aspect of the growth journey. The self-selecting nature of this program filters for and cultivates the most growth-minded community of people we've ever seen together in one space.

Our members are a truly extraordinary collection of people all pursuing personal growth and intentional life enhancement — supporting each other and sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement.


Self-paced Core Training

Recorded Masterclass video training presentations with ongoing member discussion next to each video segment.

Ideal for asynchronous, personalized learning.

Deep Training Workshops

The workshops guide members through stages of growth, taking training and member support to new heights. Explore a wide range of specialty topics that are fundamental for life optimization.

Master PPV Template (Most Current Version + Updates)

No more DIY building. We start with the master PPV Notion template pre-built and ready to go. We cover in depth how it works and how to implement and customize to your life and work.

Ongoing Live Events

Life Design takes time — we will be supporting and enabling growth with perpetual live events.

Q&A + System Show & Tells + Guided Weekly/Monthly Review groups. And ongoing member rendezvous.

Exclusive Course Community

A truly extraordinary collection of people all pursuing personal growth and intentional life enhancement — supporting each other and sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement.

Learning Resource Matrix

Our comprehensive Notion-based force-multiplier that organizes & enhances the learning process — adapting it to how you learn best. Includes a deep database of past questions and answers from live events and the best Q&A from community discussions.

I highly recommend this course, it's a game-changer.


Notion Life Design harnesses the power of no-code technology to help you achieve even greater productivity.


But it doesn’t stop there. It goes beyond productivity to help you find meaning and purpose in all of life. As a result, it’s a life operating system — a completely fresh approach to work and life.

Michael Hyatt / New York Times Bestselling Author of Free to Focus

The New


MasterclassĀ & Membership


Ā Launching Soon!


Until then, the program is closed to new purchases while we finishĀ building the new enhanced version taking this leading Notion & Life Training to the next level.

August’s Life Design program gives you the ability to build the life you want. There are two elements to this — the software and the philosophy.

For the software, Notion serves as the backbone and like every other part of the course, August does an exceptional job here. He provides an inter-galactic template that you customize. You use the software to run your life.

August has clearly spent a lot of time thinking about the life he wants to live, what matters, and why. And he shares all that thinking to help you do the same. He talks about sleep, health, mindset, relationships, how you want to approach the world, and how you want to live in the world — you can consume and think about at your own pace.

As you make conscious choices about how you want to structure a part of your life, the software is there to support you in your efforts.

Shripriya Mahesh / Venture Capital, Founding Partner

I needed a unified system that brought together my personal and professional priorities so I could be the best person I can be, day in day out. What I got were not just the keys to the kingdom, but a toolbox to tinker with and make the system my own. The course itself is laid-out logically and took me through the process naturally with actionable steps all along the way. Highly recommended for anyone looking to level up and make a greater impact on the world around them.

Michael Scaccia
Business Owner

A unified system for personal & professional life.


Customize to make the system your own.

A viable long term solution.


With support & motivation to continue on an evolving journey.

I have tried many productivity systems in the past and this one incorporates ease of use, customization and functionality in a way that makes it a viable long term solution.

The PPV training and Life Design system provides a way for you to stay on track with whatever projects and goals you have, personal or business. I have been using the system to track daily routines as well as big projects.

However, the best part of this program is the community. The PPV community members provide support and motivation to continue on this ever evolving journey of productivity and accomplishment.

Rochelle Allison
Real Estate Coach

This is not just a course anymore.

NLD has evolved into a MasterclassĀ + Membership Community + Live Video Series + Industry-leading Notion TemplatesĀ ā€” all with a proven track record of delivering life-changing results toĀ an ambitious community numbering in the thousands.

The new Version 3 takes extensive feedback about what works and triples down on the best of it. The result is a next-level life enhancement experience with ongoing support, unlike anything else.

The PPV System has revolutionised my productivity, planning and thinking. It is a dream system. I have read over 100 non-fiction books and this system seems to cover them all. There are not many competitive advantages left in the world but the PPV System is one of them. I feel in control and powerful using this system.

The self paced videos are so so well explained and the live sessions are so helpful. I cannot find any faults with this course and would recommend it to everyone. Dive in, commit and your life will change.

Hilan Shah
Media & Content Creator

A competitive advantage that makes you feel powerful and in control.


Commit and see the change.

A core part of daily life.


Much-needed structural understanding.


Value far beyond the template.

The course gave me much-needed structure and understanding of improving my life. I knew nothing about Notion previously, but the lessons from August were clear and practical. It took me a few weeks to get used to the system, and with the community’s help, I tweaked the system to suit my own needs. August is a brilliant thinker, and I have much respect for his gentle mentoring and style of teaching the core concepts behind his methods.

The value I received from being part of the program (and not just having the templates to work with) far exceeded my expectations and ensured that I implemented and used the system daily until it became a core part of my daily life.

Daniel Shaw
Business Owner

Notion Life Design is a different kind of program.

To help internalize lasting growth, we provide a well-integrated mix of:

Self-paced Notion PPV & Life Design Masterclass

4th Generation PPV Life OS Notion Template

Ongoing interactive live Workshops and Q&A

24/7 community think tank & support

This course has helped me more than I could have ever imagined. Before taking it I was meandering around hoping to make progress. Easily getting distracted by menial tasks that weren't pushing the ball forward. 

Now I know exactly what my priorities are and have actionable tasks to achieve my biggest goals. Best investment I've made this year.

Gary Vaughan
Business Owner

From distracted, meandering, hoping —


To focused, determined, achieving.

Everything connected and easy to retrieve.


Change your approach to life and work.

The PPV system combined with the power and flexibility of Notion is changing how I live my life and complete my work day to day. Knowing that everything has a place and it's all in ONE place where I can easily find it again and link it to the work I am doing... it's almost magical.

August's class makes the system crystal clear and you will leave not just with an understanding of the system, but with solid knowledge of how that system will work for you specifically.

Elizabeth Caran
Agency Owner, Outlander Travel

I've tried many life operating systems. Two years in, PPV is the first that has stuck.

I feel the flexibility the system offers is its key strength. It adapts as my life circumstances change, keeping me on top of what matters.

Will McNeilly, Professional

The PPV System literally changed my life. I have always considered myself a high performance professional (and individual), but the PPV system has allowed me to transform into something else entirely. In my opinion, this is a must-learn system for anyone looking to make the most out of their one chance they have at life on this earth.

Anthony Bertolino, Tech Business Leader

I’m so grateful for this system, I needed a framework to start from, and one that is connective to all the aspects of my life — the amount of detail is amazing. As an entrepreneur, student and person committed to intentional living this filled in many of the gaps I needed support in. I look forward to continuing to explore and integrate this living system.

Ya Arroyo, Entrepreneur/Student

There has been immense value for me in leveraging the PPV system in Notion to start my Life Design journey. I took a solo approach to implementing the system as the course was very clear and straight forward. Since then I've augmented the system to satisfy my own use cases. I've been very pleased with the efficiency gains in daily task execution, knowledge management, and value/goal reinforcement via consistent review cycles. Through 6 months of use, it is very clear that this system is playing a critical role in supporting my value and goal realization. I'm excited to see the compounding effects through multiple years of usage!

Graham Fawcett, Solopreneur

I’ve not come across anything as impactful as the PPV system in my own personal development. August is an excellent teacher, the content is incredibly well produced and structured, making it easy to understand the foundations, systems and principles in building a life of your own design.

It goes far beyond what any esoteric motivational video on YouTube can teach. He engages with each individual and takes the time to provide his own experience and thoughts in building a PPV system that works for you. There's opportunity for questions and discussion through a dedicated community board with live Q&A and deep dive workshops held regularly.

Simrit Dooa, Business Owner

I'm using the PPV System in its totality since 9 months now and can't put into words how much it enhanced my life so far. I never had such clarity over all aspects of my life as with this powerful support system in place. I feel more aligned, focussed and productive with everything that matters to me in life and can't wait to see more emergence happening in the future!

Christian Mayer, Solopreneur

The Notion Life Design course has been a game-changer in my life. I use it every day to keep my life on track. I now have a true "north star" in my life and NLD keeps me focused on the main thing. It's easy to let little tasks distract you from your goals and aspirations. NLD allows you to achieve all the aspirations you desire in life.

Jamaal Jackson, Solopreneur

This is an incredible course that takes participants into Notion at a deep level, to use this incredible tool to bring structure, focus, and meaning to their life activities.

August Bradley is THE Notion expert and delivers the fundamentals of Notion to the novice and experts in a way that is clear, concise, and spot-on.

Michael Manning, Professional 

This course, its content, and the community within it have been of immense value for the management of my business, the ordering of my life, and my personal growth. The course was a substantial amount of work and took significant commitment and mental effort.

It was worth absolutely every ounce of energy and minute of time. I believe I will easily see a return on my investment in the first year, with compounding returns thereafter.

John Blackwell, CEO, Diamond Age Technologies (AR/VR Innovator)

This course is revolutionary in the most fundamental sense. It impacts every aspect of one's life and it aims the spotlight of attention on the important vs. the trivial. I can't recommend this highly enough and calling it a 'game changer' is a woefully inadequate term for something that changes one's entire relationship with one's self.

If you're like me August's PPV system on Notion is vastly superior to any group of productivity hacks or set of self-help proscriptions because it ties all of those together with what is ultimately an incredibly helpful, hopeful and optimistic view of life.

Aaron Garland, Life Coach

The Notion PPV system has been a great way to give me clarity in a busy and challenging part of life. A full-time job, master's and social life, it's given me the ability to really focus on what matters at the time whilst giving me time to be free and spend time with the people I love.

Reid Arnold, Business Professional

Many others offer an introduction to Notion, August gives you a foundation to change your life. I’ve seen a number of Notion systems and this one has had the most profound impact on the way I use Notion and its effectiveness in my day to day.

Brian Tomlinson, Professional

The NLD course is life changing. I have been able to implement the skills learnt into my personal and work life as I have progressed through the course and have experienced tremendous personal growth over this period. I highly recommend the NLD course because it becomes a way of life.

Audrey Deiner, Professional

As an executive with a growing family I was feeling the pinch of stretching myself too thin and being less fulfilled. NLD helped me clarify my life intentions and priorities, build a system to prioritise my work and responsibilities accordingly, and to execute with my values front of mind daily.

Calvin Lynch, Company Executive

Notion and life in general are like a universe. If you don't know where your home planet is, you most likely are lost in space. August and PPV give you an already established planet from which you can explore your life and Notion. 100% recommendation to everybody who wants to grow himself into a smarter, healthier and more reliable person. Try it and experience the magic.

Peter Albrecht, Business Professional

This program is a life changer for me. After getting a little bit more productive (but also more stressed) 15 years ago, when I got from no system to Asana + Getting Things Done, now I'm super productive and relaxed at the same time, which for me is the ultimate goal. Thank you, August, for your work. I see how you deeply understand the complexity of everything that has to do with time management and productivity and I like at the same time that you stay humble and curious to new ideas to get the system even better.

Florian Fenner, Solopreneur

This was one of the most valuable investments I've made in myself. Step by step, this course helps you understand core principles, change your mindset, and you will get every tool you need to manage your life & shape yourself into a person you want to become.

August's presentation style, quality of content, thoughtful & creative approach, unique perspective, deep knowledge in growth mindset & systems thinking is unmatched. On top of it, the course is very interactive & hands on.

Yelena S., Product Manager

This program is absolutely life changing. You have to put in the work, and if you do, the payoff is immeasurable.

Justin Moyer, Freelancer

I look back on my life pre-Notion and PPV and think “how did I ever do it?” This system has made me a better planner, a more productive being. It has completely revolutionized my life into what now feels like a full-on operation, and I’m so entirely thankful for that.

Zeke Heling, Business Professional

If you are adrift in a world of endless commitments and a fire-hose of information, PPV is the anchor you need.

Cyrus Reynolds, Business Owner

Why I created this program

This is not just an online course to me, it’s a deeply personal undertaking.
This is an approach to life. It's how I built a strong business, and then when it collapsed how I built it back up again. It’s the approach that got me through a month of surgeries from a debilitating health crisis to the point where I emerged from the hospital with caregivers shocked at my recovery. Initially unable to walk, it powered me through a year of physical rehabilitation — reclaiming my life, my career, my happiness. Then it directly led me to the activities and behaviors where I met the most important person of my life (my wife) and enabled me to build a family while pursuing a rewarding career. 
Stories can be told in many ways. The methods and processes of the PPV system and what I share about life in this program is my story. You don’t learn about a person by what they say, but rather by what they do. This approach to life defines and shapes what you do — and keeps it in accordance with what you value and what you want to become.
I am a business consultant, a performance coach, and a designer of life and workflow processes — a Performance Systems Architect. But the only reason I can be good at those things is because I’m also a loving family member, a caring friend, an engaged community and workplace participant with an open and curious mind. It also helps to be passionate about learning and sharing. Our professional skills and qualification do not come from industry or societal credentials, but rather by living a full life in which we are deeply engaged with our most important priorities. Then we pass on the best of ourselves in a form from which others can benefit.
That’s why I’m creating this course — it's the most powerful vessel I can envision to share what I have learned. This program takes decades of life learning and combines it with leading technologies (most notably Notion and our learning platforms).
I hope you will join us. I’m excited about the possibility of diving into this journey with you!

Frequently Asked Questions